Insights for Home, Work, and Community
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Spouses of Sexual Addiction & PTSD
He told her he would not look at porn once they were married. She believed him. Ten years later, she worried about the late nights at work
The Present of Being Present
Do yesterday’s regrets and tomorrow’s worries steal from today? How would you answer this question for yourself?
This picture reminds me of how often we need people in our life who can see the beauty in us, even when we are broken, messy and sometimes, stinky. These are the parts of our lives we so desperately try to hold together and keep tucked in our Monica’s closets (a reference to the show Friends for those of you old enough to remember it). We are all a mess, in some form or another, and those of us who try hard to hide it probably have an even bigger mess buried deep, if we take the time to look.
Shrinking the Integrity Gap: Help for the Helpers
Compassion fatigue is a very real side effect of caring for others and can lead any of us to cope in destructive and illegitimate ways. Listen to yourself the next time you ask someone a good question or offer wisdom to another. Receive that very message for yourself. Here are 6 Key signs of compassion fatigue and 6 simple ways to start shrinking the gap.
Four Simple Ingredients In Lasting LOVE
Love is not a feeling. Feelings come and go – that is why we call them “e-motions.” They move.Love is, however, a decision. It’s a verb that implies action. Here are four simple ways to remember the essence of love that lasts throughout the seasons.
Fresh Starts Can Happen
Goals are a very good thing and are necessary for change. Without a vision or hope for something better, we do perish. In fact, many people are really good at setting a goal and not letting anything stand in their way. However, the reality of long-term change takes time and consistency and courage. Nothing worthwhile results from taking short cuts.
Tears of Healing
Leaders regularly come into our counseling and coaching offices depressed, burned out, anxious, angry, or leaking behaviors they are not proud of, and they just want it fixed. We all want our frustrating symptoms resolved. These kind of symptoms are often the weeds connected to roots called abuse.
Core Values Insights – Part 2
Do you want a better night's sleep?
What if I told you that it is possible to know the most effective way to reach another person, and, with a little effort and attention to the core values in yourself and in others, you could dramatically improve the quality of the relationships in your life…and your sleep! Would you believe me?
Core Values Insights – Part 1
Do you want a better night sleep? What if I told you that it is possible to know the most effective way to reach another person, and, with a little effort and attention to the core values in yourself and in others, you could dramatically improve the quality of the relationships in your life…and your sleep! Would you believe me?
In coaching parents to lead their children well, we often say: “Rules without relationship breed rebellion,” and “relationship without rules breeds entitlement.” We also believe that a home without choices and practiced failure breeds insecurity. Sara Blakely, thought-genius and founder of the revolutionary company called Spanx, says her home was a breeding ground for failure. She is now a billionaire who has developed over 200 various products for men and women, all because she was willing to risk failure by putting her ideas out to the public.
2015 Resolutions: Making Room for the UNEXPECTED
No one will remember how clean your house is, how big your bank accounts are, or how often you made it to the gym. They will remember, however, if you were present with them, and they will remember how available you were for them. Consider being more available and open to interruptions. Here are a few practical steps.
2015 Resolutions: BEING More
What would you say about a New Year’s resolution that did not focus on doing MORE—ie: working out MORE, organizing the house MORE, making MORE money, etc.? Instead, what if this year’s resolution was centered on just BEING? Yes, being.
2015 Resolutions: Opening up to FEELING
Neurobiology and the science of memory tell us that humans only recall memories (whether good or bad) that have deep emotions attached. So why is it that so many of us avoid our feelings? Consider FEELING MORE in 2015. Consider learning how to process your feelings and allow them to help you capture life, one memory at a time.
Focus on the Donut, not the Hole
Yesterday is already gone and tomorrow is not a guarantee. But today…we do have today. What if we resisted the urge to dismiss our struggles and pretend all is good? What if we stopped depleting our energy by comparing our selves and our lives to others? What if we focused our energy on our “donut” of what we do have, instead of the “hole” of what we wish we had?
Teach Someone to Fish
In a moment I was captivated by a man with a fly rod pursuing wild trout. That moment would eventually provide me with the leadership opportunity to teach my daughter how to catch her own wild trout on the fly as well as share the experience with another Dad and his son.
Facing our Fear of Sharks
There is rarely a benefit to assuming what’s lurking beyond today. I also need to lean on the people around me for help when I am struggling. As a leader, this can be difficult to do, but is so very critical to our survival.
Grow Your Leadership
If you have a following, you are a leader and how you live and lead matters.