Episode 244: Healthy Principles For a Healthy Marriage

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With Jeff and Terra Mattson

Marriage takes work, but the rewards of a strong, connected relationship are worth it. In this episode, we dive into the healthy habits that help couples thrive, exploring the importance of commitment, curiosity, and growing together through every season. We discuss practical ways to stay engaged, know each other deeply, and navigate the inevitable changes that come with time. With personal stories—including a lighthearted reflection on our own bobby pin debates—we unpack what it means to love with intention, foster admiration, and build a relationship that lasts. How well do you really know your spouse, and what small changes could deepen your connection today?


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Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:

















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