Building Trust in a Guarded World
Article by Terra Mattson, MA LMFT, LPC Owner and Founder, Principal
Co-Founder Terra Mattson has written a great article on trust on the website. Courageous Girls is a curriculum that Terra has developed to “help moms discover their own courage in raising a daughter who knows herself as LOVED.”
Here is the intro paragraph from that article:
Life is so much better with a few trusted friends by our sides. In fact, a Harvard study found in 2016, after 80 years of researching health, that there is no greater health benefit than having a community of people who know you, love you, and will stand with you throughout life. It’s even more beneficial than eating your veggies or working out several times a week! Eating chocolate cake with a trusted friend is actually better than running a 10k alone. (Okay, the study did not prove that, but it seems like a logical leap.) As you set goals for the year, consider focussing on moving deeper into community and developing greater trust with those who cross your path. In order to heighten your health in 2019, begin the journey of building ‘roots of trust.’
Read the full article “Building Trust in a Guarded World” on the Courageous Girls website