Episode 191: What You NEED to Know About Internet Safety for Your Kids with BJ Park

Are you concerned about internet safety for your kids? Where are kids vulnerable today? Is TikTok safe or not? What makes a kid more vulnerable to an online predator? This episode is vital to every parent and any adult working with children today. However, know that this topic might be triggering. We do hope you will share this information, or even this whole podcast with your kids, but make sure you listen first and decide what is appropriate for the age and stage of your children. 


Our guest, BJ Park is a prosecuting attorney for the state of Oregon for crimes committed against children. He has worked with the FBI, Homeland Security, and city, county and state police from Chicago to Portland, Oregon. With twenty years of experience, he has developed internet safety presentations to help educate kids, parents, and anybody who works with children on the topic of internet safety. There are so many things loving parents don't know about technology and the ways it is used to harm children. BJ is married with two children of his own and cares deeply about helping children be smart when it comes to their gaming, phones, and social media. This is a must-listen and with such an important topic, we extended our time a bit. From questions like, "What do predators know that parents don't know?" to "Is Tick Tock okay for our kids - why or why not?" and "What is the one thing every parent NEEDS to know before they hand their child a smartphone?", BJ answers with so much wisdom and truth. Share this with others! 


To connect with BJ: 

Email - bumjoonpark@gmail.com


And, if you need trauma-therapy for you or your kids or could benefit from parent coaching around how to manage devices in your home, go to livingwholehearted.com, sign up for our newsletter to get free resources, and contact one of our professional counselors or coaches. 


Women, you are invited to join the next Women's Wholehearted Leadership Cohort - scheduled to start this fall. The application is open! Go to livingwholehearted.com/cohort for more info. You can also go to www.mycourageousigirls.com to start developing a trusted and safe relationship and community for you and your daughter. 




We LOVE that you’ve decided to join us this week for the Living Wholehearted Podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation, tips, and resources to help you transform every relationship that matters most to you. If you think this will help someone you know, make sure you send it their way or share on socials. Tag us @living_wholehearted and @terramattson! Don't forget to FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode and help spread the word by leaving us some stars on a review. Thanks for partnering with us to help more leaders, just like you, who want to live and lead with integrity at home, work and in the community.  Go to livingwholehearted.com and sign up to receive our free leadership tips and updates delivered to you in our monthly newsletter. And, If you’re a girl mom, check out mycourageousgirls.com.  


Until next time, be the leader you would follow!


Grateful for you,

Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:

















Shrinking the Integrity Gap 


Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace


Dear Mattsons 


Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters 




The Living Wholehearted Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org


Episode 192: Motherhood - Remaining You While Raising Them with Alli Worthington


Episode 190: Blindspots: Learning to be a Non-Anxious Presence, Listen Well, and Handle Interruptions with Jeff & Terra Mattson