What’s in Your Wake?

Every leader is like a boat, and boats leave a wake.

Leaders must be willing to pause and look at the wake they are leaving behind. Leadership expert, Dr. Henry Cloud, describes a successful leader as one who is, a) competent, b) has ability to build great alliances, and c) has the character to not screw it up (2009). This seems simple, yet it is profound.

Most people define character with emphasis on moral integrity; this can become a bit shallow – just don’t lie, cheat or steal. However, a leader’s make-up and ability to face the truth of their reality determines the longevity and health of their influence. This kind of character make-up includes: The ability to create and maintain trust; a hunger to know the truth; a willingness to see where their wiring gets in the way; embracing negative realities and solving them without a flight or fight trigger response; an orientation toward growth and increase; and finally, an investment in a cause larger than one’s own ego (Cloud, 2009). Be a leader who looks behind and sees the fruit of your labor. What’s in your wake?

Cloud, H.  (2009).  Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality. New York.  Harper Collins Publishers.


Transforming Leadership

