Leadership Matters

Article by Joe Brouillette , Executive Coach, Living Wholehearted

“Only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.” Peter Drucker

Yes, that’s easy to say, but leadership is difficult to understand and often more difficult to do. However, we all agree that it matters. We are all leaders somewhere.

I have personally experienced and observed leadership over five decades in a wide variety of global venues; Corporate, Academic, Government, Sports, Community, Ministry and Family.

So, let me share a bit of what I have learned by describing the Core Elements and Behaviors of Effective Leadership:

  • Leadership is about influence, not position, rank, or title. It is about who you are, not what you are called. It is impossible to be a leader without followers.

  • Leaders develop and exert influence through trust, authenticity, vulnerability and integrity. 

  • Leaders demonstrate these traits with their character.

Effective Leaders routinely demonstrate three very critical behaviors:

  1. They can develop and cast a vision that people are motivated to follow.  They see the future in a broad context, and they usually see it first, before anyone else.

  2. They lead their people with a focus on reality. Keeping their people grounded in the truth, in all circumstances.

  3. They bring honor to everything they do, and everyone they serve.

So, with all that said, how do Effective Leaders stay effective, sustainable, and impactful?  Part of the answer is in what they do personally.  Like any professional, they work to stay relevant, and timely by practice and continuous improvement.  Most executives have a coach, an experienced and objective individual that helps them stay at the top of their game.  They make personal growth a priority.

Leaders operate out of humility with courage and a spirit of generosity

Humility keeps leaders on track and enables them to see beyond themselves. Courage is always demonstrated because Effective Leaders remember that “who” they are proceeds “what” they do. Finally, they realize that generosity involves giving to others not simply anything in abundance, but rather, giving those things that are good for others.

Servant leaders recognize the power of the truth. There is a spiritual quality to their demeanor which results in the ultimate measure of leadership: service to others.

Leadership matters because it creates an opportunity for us to demonstrate the reality of God’s Gift to us, and it becomes our way to glorify Him...not ourselves.  

Leaders apply integrity through a spiritual lens to fuel character...the ultimate mark of a leader.

To God Be the Glory...


The Power of Encouragement