Rhonda Began, BEd

Executive & Sabbatical Coach




We all need people in our lives that not only cheer us on but help us see where we can grow and develop to be our best selves. Rhonda Began has a passion for walking alongside others; empowering them to be the best leaders they can be. She has over 30 years of experience on staff in church ministry developing staff and volunteers to create and maintain strong organizational structures while caring for the whole person. 

Her desire to see people find a pace of life and work that brings them peace and allows them time for what’s most important is at the heart of her coaching and consulting. A self proclaimed “energizer bunny”, Rhonda uses her own experience learning to slow down and find healthy rhythms to overcome burnout and fatigue to help others find a pace of life and work that brings them peace and allows them time for what’s more important.

  Rhonda has been invited to speak at a variety of retreats throughout the Pacific Northwest and and Hawaii on topics such as Practicing Silence & Solitude, Deeply Rooted, Spiritual Disciplines, Discipleship, Parenting children, teens & adult children. She has been developing professional and lay leadership for over 20 years. She is currently writing her first book for pastors and lay leaders on how to build, empower and disciple lay leadership in the church. We will be the first to let you know when it’s officially ready for release! In the mean time, you can invite Rhonda to help you implement her years of experience and her practical leadership development program in your own ministry.

Born and raised in Canada, she married to her husband Mark in 1989. He is also in full-time pastoral ministry and together they raised their two grown daughters; Jaelyn and Lexie. They love being together, grand parenting their three grand boys, eating, playing games or watching movies. In her spare time, you’ll find Rhonda cooking, canning, gardening, eating, and using her gifts in acting.

Education and Training

 Rhonda has a Certificate of Lay Biblical Studies from Caperwray, Australia and a BEd from University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. She has been a part of the  Leadership Network Executive Pastor Cohort and our very own Living Wholehearted Leadership Cohort.

Coaching Options include:

Executive & Sabbatical Coaching, Leadership Development for Churches and Ministries

Women’s Wholehearted Leadership Cohort & Group Coaching Options

Sabbatical Coaching

A sabbatical is an opportunity to break from your regular work and spend intentional time to rest and restore. Studies have shown benefits not just to the employee but also to the employer and organization. A time of fun, exploration, learning something new and gearing down from the pace of work life.

The mention of sabbatical can initially bring thoughts of lounge chairs and sandy beaches with a drink in one hand and a good book in the other. In reality, it can be daunting and intimidating in preparation, execution and reentry. People ask, “Am I doing this right?” It is only once their sabbatical has started or they return to work that they wish they had someone who could have walked them through the process. To help troubleshoot the unexpected and provide guidance along the way. I can help individuals or organizations to achieve immediate and long term benefits from sabbatical leave. 


  • Making a Plan: What do you want your sabbatical to look like?  

  • Prepare to be Away: How to set yourself and your workplace up for success.

  • Coaching during your Sabbatical: Weekly check-ins for accountability, troubleshooting and encouragement.

  • Reentry: Preparation and process of returning to work

  • Follow Up after your return.

    Each person is unique. Our time together will help you determine your individual plan and give you support along the way.

Jen Gulbranson Executive Pastor, Rolling Hills Community Church Oregon

“ A huge thank you for being the best sabbatical coach! What a gift you were to me as you championed me before I left and the first week. The time you took to listen, encourage, guide, support and pray for me each Thursday was a true gift. Your preparation for me to return to work was priceless and I am not sure what mess I’d be in if I didn’t have your full support in returning to work. Thank you for helping me navigate a very hard re-entry. I am so very grateful.  I have noticed that my steps are slower, my pace very intentional, my mood is not rushed –this is a new me because of the gift of my sabbatical and God used you in the process. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Leadership Development Coaching 

Are you burned out? Tired?

Does the urgent overpower the strategy?

Do 20% of your volunteers do 80 % of the work?

Leading is hard. Training others to lead can seem unreachable. During a 2-3 year coaching process you and your organization will be guided through a simple, doable and transferable process that you learn and apply to all parts of your organization. 


  • Develop healthy soul care rhythms 

  • Reduce silos within your organization

  • Better recruiting rhythms & strategies

  • Identify, equip and develop volunteers into leaders 

  • Empower people to use their gifts and strengths to fulfill your mission

  • Create a more sustainable work load for paid staff & volunteers

  • Value people not just for their contributions but who they are.

Executive Coaching

For leaders in ministry and non-profits who are looking for a place to grow in their leadership or process the confidential needs of their workplace.


Interested in having Rhonda speak at your event?

Contact her directly at rhonda@livingwholehearted.com