2025 - 2026

Executive’s Wholehearted Leadership Cohort

Cohort will begin in early 2025 (date TBA) and run for 24 consecutive months

Application open until 1 month prior to start date.

Who Is This Cohort For?

Are you an emerging or seasoned executive leader (or high capacity influencer) in a business, not-for-profit, or faith-based community?

Do you want to prepare and successfully navigate common pitfalls that plague all leaders and help others do the same?

Do you want to live a more wholehearted life at home, work and in the community…and avoid burnout?

Do you want to be a leader who lives what you preach and breathes that into the lives of those you lead?

Do you want to better understand trauma-informed leadership and increase your empathy for yourself and others?

Do you want a community of like-minded leaders and quality coaching with Jeff and Terra Mattson?

Do you want to grow and serve more effectively?

This Wholehearted Leadership Cohort experience is for you!